VEVOR Sewer Inspection Camera with 512Hz Sonde, 9” 720p Screen, 50m Cable

827,87  Ar PVN 21%

  • 9″ Clear & Reliable Screen: You are a master plumber who needs the best equipment, and we have it right here for you. The sewer camera features a 9-inch 720p LCD screen, showing crystal clear and vivid images. It comes with a DVR and photo-taking functions. A 16 GB SD card allows for transferring images and videos to the computer for future reference and analysis.
  • Apgaismojiet tumšas vietas: 1 megapikseļa kamera un maksimālais 130° pārbaudes leņķis ļauj viegli redzēt grūti aizsniedzamas vietas. IP68 kamerai ir 303 nerūsējošā tērauda korpuss un safīra objektīvs, kas aizsargā to pret sadursmēm un koroziju. Kamerā ir 12 regulējami LED lukturi, kas nodrošina lielisku apgaismojumu.
  • Garās caurules šķērsošana: Puscietais kabelis ir 165 pēdas/50 m garš, un to var viegli izvilkt cauri caurulēm vai spraugām, tāpēc jums nebūs problēmu aizsniegt tālāk! Pateicoties garuma marķējumam, jūs bez piepūles varat novērtēt jebkura dziļuma attālumu. Turklāt inspekcijas kameras komplektā ir ērts kabeļa rullis kabeļa organizēšanai un pārnēsāšanai. Nekad vairs nejūtieties iestrēguši un paveiciet darbu pareizi!
  • Locate with Ease: VEVOR’s sewer camera locator makes it easy to locate the camera probe. The sewer camera probe has a compact sonar that transmits 512Hz, and the receiver easily tracks the signal via sonar. There is also a screen on the detector that is very precise. Locate with ease and stay in control confidently.
  • Bring It on the Go: The professional plumbing camera will exceed your expectations for inspections in sewers, wastewater systems, storm water systems, drains, ducts, etc. It is an outstanding helper for plumbers, contractors, inspectors, engineers, and municipal workers.

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