【POWERFUL PERFORMANCE】 – This mortising machine is equipped with a 750 W all-copper motor, with a speed of up to 2800 rpm and full power, which can cut materials quickly and stably.
【DARBU ATBALSTOŠAIS DIZAINS】 - Zobratu pārnesums un garā roktura konstrukcija ietaupa pūles un ļauj cilvēkiem viegli un efektīvi veikt katru griezumu, nejūtot nogurumu ilgu laiku.
【SAFE & PRECISE】 – This square tenon machine has a security switch that can be quickly started and used to ensure safe operation. A depth security lever can accurately control the depth of the mortise and ensure accurate operation.
【EXTRA ACCESSORIES】 – The accessories of this product include a 13MM drill chuck, a 3/8 tenon cutter, a 19mm chisel holder, and four hex wrenches, which provide more possibilities for this tenon machine.
【PLATĪGI IZMANTOJAMA】 - Ar šo daudzfunkcionālo ķīļu un tapu griezējmašīnu var ne tikai griezt koka ķīļus, piemēram, apļus, kvadrātus un īpašus kvadrātus, bet to var izmantot arī apļveida rievām, iekšējai slīpēšanai, metāla urbšanai utt.